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Opening a case

To open a specific case

  1. Launch the cDSS from the IP using the cDSS link
  2. Open the case from the case list


Opening a case from the case list or the IP will take a user to the case summary page by default. Users can navigate to different pages in the DSS using the navigation sidebar shown below:


# Section Description
1 Case summary Navigates to the Case Summary page.
2 Variant List Click to expand and view the available variant lists.
3 Somatic small variants Navigates to the Somatic small variant list. Users can also nagivate to this page from the case summary page by selecting 'View List' under the summary of analysis.
4 Somatic structural and copy number variants Navigates to the Somatic structural and copy number variant list. Users can also nagivate to this page from the case summary page by selecting 'View List' under the summary of analysis.
5 Germline small variants Navigates to the Germline small variant list. Users can also nagivate to this page from the case summary page by selecting 'View List' under the summary of analysis.
6 Germline structural and copy number variants Germline copy number variants - Coming soon!
7 Global Analysis Plots Navigates to the Global Analysis Plots page. Users can also nagivate to this page from the case summary page by clicking the link next to the Circos plot.
8 Export Preview Navigates to the Export Preview page.

Last update: 2024-04-08