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User Access

Access the Cancer DSS

The Cancer DSS PROD Environment (live production environment) can be accessed on the HSCN network here:

Cancer DSS

The UAT Environment (for testing of upcoming features) can be accessed on the HSCN network here:

Cancer DSS UAT

How do I connect to the HSCN?

By using any computer connected to your local Trust network i.e., NHS WiFi or Ethernet.

In order to login to the DSS system, you will need to request a smartcard from your local IT department. Once you have obtained a smartcard, you must request access to the DSS via the Jira Self Service Desk. Please see below for the link to the Jira service desk.

If you have not raised a service desk ticket before, you will need to create a service desk account. You should be able to do so with your NHS email. Once you have created the account and have logged on to the Jira service desk, select “NGIS – New User Request” and fill in the appropriate fields in the form.



You will also require an email address and password set up which can be entered in the DSS landing screen. Upon successful login, you will be directed to the case list page. If you need a login, please raise a ticket via the Genomics England service desk.

Did you encounter any login issues?

First, ensure you are connected to HSCN.

If problems persist, please try logging out and then attempt to access the Cancer DSS again.

In the event that problems still persist, please raise a ticket via the Genomics England service desk.

If you require user access, please follow local GLH procedures.

Did your session expire?

**Users will be logged out of the system after 20 minutes of inactivity. **

If a user is logged out after 20 minutes inactivity, the page will prompt the user to log back in and return to the page the user was last on.

A user's login token will be refreshed as long as the user is active in the system.

User activity in other NGIS services e.g. DSS currently does not refresh the users access token

Logging Out

To logout of the DSS system, you can click on the ‘Logout’ button located in the top panel to the right of the screen. Logging out will return you to the login screen.

Last update: 2023-09-25